Welcome to our changelog, sort of our "demo" for Releases. This current theme is called "Commit", more themes are available. Subscribe to not miss an update.

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© 2025 Releases Changelog


Sep 12, 2023

Today we added a new theme called "Commit". This theme is a Tailwind UI template and fits perfectly for Releases. You're currently looking right at it.

We also added the possibility to subscribe via RSS. You can find the feed by adding /feed to the main url. RSS readers will then recognize when updates were published to your changelog.

Background jobs are running

For the past few days, we tested our automated background jobs to make sure everything runs fine behind the scenes. So we can be sure that emails are dispatched, scheduled posts become published when the "Publish on" date arrives and so on. Apart from one slight hick-up, everything seems to run just fine and is ready for production. ðŸ¤–

Public beta status + final touches

We invited 20 people to try Releases prior to the public beta and the feedback has been great so far. A few days ago we actually opened the public beta and a few more people have joined. We are confident that by the end of this week, we can "remove" the beta status and just be live.

There are still a few minor things missing and also some smaller UI improvements have to be made until then. But yeah, Friday should be the "official" launch. We're excited! ðŸŽ‰

Sep 08, 2023

We're excited to launch our public beta today. ðŸŽ‰

The past week we fixed bugs and everything was polished. We also added a search into the backend area. We improved the speed for custom domain validation and made a few tweaks to the dark mode.

All in all, things are turning out great so far. There are still a few features missing that we have planned for the initial launch later this month, but they are coming soon.

Aug 29, 2023

Today we're happy to publish the first ever post to "Releases", our ridiculously simple approach to changelog software. "Releases" is sort of a "spin-off" of FeatureShift, our fully-fledged feedback software.

Why build a new product?

A couple dozen customers and interested people asked if it was possible to only maintain a changelog with FeatureShift and not use any of the other features, such as a roadmap, customer feedback / feature requests. Our goal with FeatureShift was to offer a complete product where you could do all those things.

We did not want to strip away functions. And we certainly did not want to add more settings and overhead to our software. So we started "Releases" – a completely separate product that only has one purpose: maintaining a changelog.

Can I sign up?

Not yet. There are still a few things to do until we're ready to let people use it. We aim to publicly launch later this month. The initial launch will have some missing features that will be added over the following days and weeks.

Be sure to follow along. ðŸ‘‹