Welcome to our changelog, sort of our "demo" for Releases. This current theme is called "Commit", more themes are available. Subscribe to not miss an update.
We're happy to finally release our new editor. 🎉
After an extensive period dedicated to crafting the migration script to ensure existing posts are compatible with our new editor, we have finally achieved the desired outcome.
Following lots of testing, we have successfully migrated all content to the new format and are thrilled to announce the release of the new editor.
AI powered, if you need it
We're happy to introduce a subtle AI Assistant. You can ask the AI Assistant to write an article for you, or fix grammar, re-write, translate, shorten or extend text and much more.
The AI Assistant is available to all customers.
Code highlighting
To those posting code snippets, we also have great news. When adding a code block, or editing an existing one, you can now set the programming language (get in touch with us if you're missing anything). When viewing the article in the frontend, correct highlighting is applied and you can also copy code snippets.
The editor looks and feels completely different and more modern. We hope you like it as much as we do. There may be a few smaller quirks that we need to fix over the next few days but it's already such an improvement to our previous editor. Let us know if you have any feedback or wishes.
One of the extensions that we used for our editor caused an issue with some inline formatting options such as bold and italic. While clicking these options, some web browers such as Chrome and Firefox submitted the entry because of a missing type="button" on those elements.
As a consequence, we removed the extension (it was the tooltip extension) to prevent any further issues. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting.
As noted in the previous entry, we're currently working on a custom editor that will allow us to better customize all sorts of things and to implement our own logic and UI.
It has been somewhat quiet in the past couple of weeks, but that does not mean we're not working on new features and bug fixes. Not everything is worth publishing, although it would make our changelog look more active.
In the past weeks, we've regularly shipped maintenance updates and bug fixes, both within the backend and also for our themes.
What we're currently working on
We're currently working on a new editor, because the current one is partly broken (mainly in Safari) and kind of limits us when it comes to the UX and UI. We plan to launch the first version of the new editor later this month, along with a few other additions. Stay tuned.
Today we added the possibility to translate the system texts that are visible when using our widget. You can now set a custom headline (default is "Updates"), read more label and show all link text. Please note that those texts are uppercase by default, you cannot change that for now.
To update those texts, open the workspace general settings and find the section "Custom texts / translations". In the panel, scroll all the way down until you see "Widget".
Apart from maintenance work, today we released some optimizations for images. Before this update, images were not processed in the frontend, so when a 6000x4000 pixel image with 6.5 MB was uploaded, it was rendered like that in the frontend.
Those images were cached, so it was only somewhat slow on the first visit. Still, this could be improved.
Uploaded images are now much smaller by default and you can click on an image to see a bigger version of it, if available. This is enabled by default, nothing for admins to activate.
The same strong caching mechanism takes effect, so pages will load even faster now with a much more reduced network load time.
Nothing big, just two bug fixes in the email templates.
When using a custom logo for emails, some apps were showing the logo oddly shaped, not recognizing our custom styles. We tweaked this a little and logos should now have the correct proportions.
Another issue was the button in emails. Some vendors, such as Gmail, removed some of our custom styles, making the text barely readable. This should be fixed as well.
Today we launched the possibility to add custom scripts to workspaces. So if you want to integrate a third-party analytics tool, or a chat widget you can do this now within the workspace settings. Find the new nav item "Third-party scripts".
Please note that we are monitoring added scripts. If you add any kind of malicious scripts, we reserve the right to remove those and may also restrict your account.
We also added an option to set tooltips in the editor, like this one. It's a small addition that was requested 4 times already so... there you go. :)
Having the possibility to add files to entries was a common request from our customers, and we're happy that v1 of this feature is now live.
File uploads for releases
Files can now be added to entries. There is currently no limit how many files can be added, but the file size is limited to 30 MB per file (that should be enough for most cases). We may increase this limit at some point.
You may also add an external url if your file is already hosted elsewhere.
If you have feedback regarding file uploads, feel free to get in touch via the in-product chat.
Hide subscribe button
Another common request was to have a way to hide / disable the "Subscribe" button. That's now a new setting within the global workspace settings (look for "Enable subscription"). It's enabled by default, so if you don't want people to subscribe to changelog updates, just disable this.
We also fixed a couple of bugs and updated the underlying software to their latest versions.
If you - like many of our customers - like Releases and need more than the 3 included workspaces, you probably already tried to purchase additional workspaces. Up until now, it was only possible to purchase one workspace at a time.
This was quite annoying if you wanted to purchase 5 or more and we heard you loud and clear ("that is just stupid"). 🙃 You can now purchase up to 10 workspaces at a time. If you need more, simply repeat the checkout. We hope that this is less of an annoyance.
Checkout overlay for additional workspaces
Change to "Powered by" removal
In December 2023 we introduced an option to remove our "Powered by" backlink. Some were happy they could remove it, some were furious that they needed to pay for it - on a per-workspace basis.
To this day, not a single week has passed where we have not received an email or chat message stating that it is a deal breaker that this had to be purchased for every workspace. And yeah, we get it, it can add up. If you purchase 10 workspaces and 10 times the "Powered by" removal, you would have just paid over $100 (+ taxes).
We're not greedy bastards. We choose this solution because having a backlink is very important to us for reaching new potential customers. But we also don't want to scare away existing ones. We want to have a platform people like and recommend.
So, long story short: starting today, as a workspace admin (having multiple workspaces), you now only need to purchase the "Remove powered by" option once and it will automatically apply to all your workspaces.
We also fixed a handful of bugs, thanks for reporting. :)
Today we fixed an issue for customers using non-alphanumeric characters. The way we generated slugs did not support those characters and was not able to generate slugs. This affected entries as well as tags.
This resulted in changelogs throwing an error message in the frontend.