Welcome to our changelog, sort of our "demo" for Releases. This current theme is called "Commit", more themes are available. Subscribe to not miss an update.

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© 2024 Releases Changelog
Jan 13, 2024

We're starting this year off with a small addition, but don't worry, much more is coming.

When using our widget, people can click on the "Updates" title at the top of the widget in order to open the standalone changelog. We added an option to disable this link.

Go you the workspace settings at releasesapp.com/settings and find the section "Outgoing widget link" to disable / enable this.

Dec 01, 2023

It is now possible to update system texts that appear within themes and emails.

You can now also change the default locale per workspace. The correct locale is important for many aspects, such as SEO. Search engines use language metadata to index and display search results in the appropriate language, enhancing discoverability and relevance.

To update or translate our default texts, go to your workspace settings (releasesapp.com/settings) and find the section called "Custom texts / translations". So changelogs can be fully translated into any language.

Removing the "Powered by" backlink

Having a backlink to Releases is important for us to spread the word about our platform. But we understand that some customers don't want this "Powered by Releases" visible on their changelog and widget. And that is totally fine, of course.

We made a change today that would lock the possibility to disable the backlink freely. Starting today, the backlink can be removed for a small one-time fee. While we understand that this may frustrate some customers, we made the decision to keep this at a one-time fee. It is common practice that a "Powered by" can be removed on higher-priced plans (we don't have any) or via a monthly payment.

We hope you understand this change. If you have any questions, you may contact us directly within the platform now.

Releases backend (bottom left corner)
Nov 14, 2023

Today we implemented a small feature that many of our early customers asked for: Tag filter.

It is now possible to click on a tag and see all entries with that specific tag. It is currently not possible (and not planned) to combine multiple tags to filter, only one tag at a time.

Oct 31, 2023

Today we shipped a small addition to our themes: Search

As you probably can guess, you can now search for posts. For now, it's only possible to search for a title of a post, so no full-text search yet. We will monitor search usage and determine if we need to extend to a full-text search and maybe optimize it further.

Oct 28, 2023

Today we fixed a small bug that was preventing some users to login with either their Google or GitHub account. An error occurred when someone previously signed up via either service and then tried to authenticate with the other service.

Apologies to those who were impacted by this issue.

Oct 27, 2023

Starting today, you can optionally show an unread updates badge when using our widget. This is usually a red dot placed near a bell icon or something similar - you've probably seen that before.

We updated our setup instructions that can be found in the widget settings. You can also check our help center article in case someone with no access to the backend needs to know how to add this badge.

The styling is totally up to you, we do not add any styling at all. Here is an example how the dot could look like with Tailwind CSS classes.

Oct 22, 2023

Today we fixed a small bug that would prevent the use of bold, italic etc formatting within lists. This is now possible.

New embed feature

We also added a new feature for embedding content. Just paste a link to an external resource and we'll try to show it inline. Supported services include YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), CodePen and GitHub Gist.

Oct 16, 2023

Want to keep track of subscribers and team signups via webhook? Well now you can. Today we added the possibility to get a POST webhook notification whenever someone subscribes or unsubscribes to your changelog. You will also be notified when someone joins your team, in addition to an email notification.

Email notifications for team signups can now optionally be disabled, but we suggest to keep them enabled.

Webhook notifications are automatically enabled once you add a valid endpoint to your workspace settings. To learn more about handling webhook requests, check out our help article.

Oct 10, 2023

"I need multiple workspaces" was something we heard a few times the past couple of weeks – mostly from our beta testers. Fair enough. This was something we had planned to build anyway, so we moved it up the todo list.

Additional workspaces are now available. Each account (except team member accounts) can create up to 3 workspaces by default. If more than 3 workspaces are needed, additional ones are available via a one-time payment of €5 (~ $5.30).

Workspace logo in backend

We also added the custom workspace logo to the backend view, if one was uploaded. This will replace our default "Releases" logo with the one from your own changelog. Dark mode and light mode versions are respected, if both were uploaded.

Logo view in backend
Oct 05, 2023

Today we added the possibility to sign up / sign in to Releases via Google and GitHub. Simply authenticate with your existing credentials and you are good to go. We may add additional providers in a future update.

Sep 30, 2023

Apart from some under-the-hood improvements, today's update brings two new formatting options: Inline code and marker.

We are currently preparing a new theme as well as a notification system when new subscribers signed up.

Sep 28, 2023

We are excited to announce the introduction of "Teams". With this release, admins can now form and manage teams of any size.

Each workspace can have one team. There are no limitations on how many people can join a team – invite as many as you have. Invites are done via a unique invite-link that can be re-generated or disabled at any time.

Anybody with access to a workspace invite-link can join this workspace. Admins will be notified via email when a new member joined. There currently is no permissions or roles system in place. Only admins can remove members from a team.

In a future update, we may introduce a simple permissions / roles system that allows admins to define publish and delete rights to entries for specific users. Right now, every member of a team can publish and delete entries, has access to tags, subscribers, as well as to the workspace settings.