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© 2024 Releases Changelog


Jun 22, 2024

Nothing big, just two bug fixes in the email templates.

When using a custom logo for emails, some apps were showing the logo oddly shaped, not recognizing our custom styles. We tweaked this a little and logos should now have the correct proportions.

Another issue was the button in emails. Some vendors, such as Gmail, removed some of our custom styles, making the text barely readable. This should be fixed as well.

Apr 29, 2024

If you - like many of our customers - like Releases and need more than the 3 included workspaces, you probably already tried to purchase additional workspaces. Up until now, it was only possible to purchase one workspace at a time.

This was quite annoying if you wanted to purchase 5 or more and we heard you loud and clear ("that is just stupid"). ðŸ™ƒ You can now purchase up to 10 workspaces at a time. If you need more, simply repeat the checkout. We hope that this is less of an annoyance.

Checkout overlay for additional workspaces

Change to "Powered by" removal

In December 2023 we introduced an option to remove our "Powered by" backlink. Some were happy they could remove it, some were furious that they needed to pay for it - on a per-workspace basis.

To this day, not a single week has passed where we have not received an email or chat message stating that it is a deal breaker that this had to be purchased for every workspace. And yeah, we get it, it can add up. If you purchase 10 workspaces and 10 times the "Powered by" removal, you would have just paid over $100 (+ taxes).

We're not greedy bastards. We choose this solution because having a backlink is very important to us for reaching new potential customers. But we also don't want to scare away existing ones. We want to have a platform people like and recommend.

So, long story short: starting today, as a workspace admin (having multiple workspaces), you now only need to purchase the "Remove powered by" option once and it will automatically apply to all your workspaces.

We also fixed a handful of bugs, thanks for reporting. :)

Apr 24, 2024

Today we fixed an issue for customers using non-alphanumeric characters. The way we generated slugs did not support those characters and was not able to generate slugs. This affected entries as well as tags.

This resulted in changelogs throwing an error message in the frontend.

Jan 23, 2024

A few days ago we released a small update to our widget and introduced a bug that prevented visits from being tracked. This bug is now fixed and visits via the widget should be counted again. Sorry about that.

Oct 28, 2023

Today we fixed a small bug that was preventing some users to login with either their Google or GitHub account. An error occurred when someone previously signed up via either service and then tried to authenticate with the other service.

Apologies to those who were impacted by this issue.

Oct 22, 2023

Today we fixed a small bug that would prevent the use of bold, italic etc formatting within lists. This is now possible.

New embed feature

We also added a new feature for embedding content. Just paste a link to an external resource and we'll try to show it inline. Supported services include YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), CodePen and GitHub Gist.